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Lumbaton® Tablets

Lumbaton® Tablets

A traditional combination of Rasnasaptakam Kashayam, perfected for modern use

Lumbaton® Tablet is an Ayurvedic remedy for relieving pain in Lumbago & Sciatica pain and lumbago. Those who suffer from conditions such as inflammatory lumbar spondylitis or auto-immune ankylosing spondylitis are prohibited from using Sneha Dravayas due to the presence of excess aama within them. To treat this aama dosha and the inflammation that causes the pain, Lumbaton tablets auger with with Amavatri Kashayam

Lumbaton® Tablets have been inspired by the traditional combination of Rasnasaptakam Kashayam and has been perfected through research conducted by AVN Ayurveda. It is now a commonly used formulation for lower back pain and relieving pain and inflammation in the lumbar spine region without aggravating the aama dosha. 

Product Indications

    • Lumbar spondylitis with excessive Oedema
    • Ankylosing spondylitis with Amavatari Kashayam
    • Lumbago
    • Sciatica

Effective Dosage

Two capsules to be taken 2-3 times daily depending on severity.

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Product Benefits And Features

    • These tablets have ayurvedic ingredients such as Rasna, Guggulu & Devadaru. All of them are highly effective herbs that reduce pain and inflammation.
    • It contains components of Rasnasaptakam Kashayam, that helps in reversing the disease.
    • Lumbaton® Tablets has Amruta, which helps cure the aama dosha. 
    • Punarnava is also included, which helps reduce swelling due to inflammation.
Lumbaton® Tablets

Ingredients & Composition


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