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Lumbaton® Plus

Lumbaton® Plus

A second-generation product for the management of Lumbago and sciatica
Lumbaton® Plus soft gel capsule is an effective combination of the powerful anti-degenerative, Lumbaton® soft gel capsules and anti-inflammatory, Lumbaton® tablets.
By combining the two, it has proven to be the gold standard in the management of said conditions.

Product Indications

Lumbaton® Plus capsules are used to treat the following conditions in men:

    • Lumbar Spondylosis
    • Sciatica / Lumbo-sacharal radiculopathy
    • Sacro-ilitis
    • Chronic Ankylosing spondylitis
    • Lumbar Spondylolisthesis
    • Lumbago due to Muscle sprain and spasm
    • Facet arthropathy in the Lumbar Spine
    • Degeneration in the ligaments surrounding the Lumbar spine

Effective Dosage

2 capsules thrice daily before having food in severe/acute conditions.

2 capsules twice daily in moderate-mild conditions.

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Product Benefits And Features

    • Yamaka Sneha of Tila taila & Eranda taila in Lumbaton plus acts as Abhyantara snehana which is  Anti-degenerative & helps reverse degeneration in the intervertebral discs there by correcting the root cause of the disease
    • Guggulu, Devadaru & Rasnasaptakam are Anti-inflammatory which helps relieve pain & inflammation and helps relieve muscle spasm & strain
    • Eranda taila acts as Apana vayu anulomana which helps in correcting the imbalance of Apana vata
    • Dasamoola, sahachara & Ashwagandha processed in tila taila function as Nerve healers which helps reverse the damage caused to nerves thereby reducing the symptoms of radiculopathy.

    Lumbaton Plus is the most comprehensive medicine for Low back pain having all the 4 important actions

    Abhyantara snehana – anti-degenerative effect


    Apana vayu anulomana

    Nerve healing

    Give your patients total freedom from back pain with Lumbaton Plus.

Lumbaton® Plus

Ingredients & Composition

Low back pain due to Chronic Ankylosing Spondylitis

Lumbaton Plus 2-0-2 A/F + Rasnasaptakam Kashayam/Kashayam Tablet 2-2-2 B/F

Low back pain with Excessive Flatulence & Constipation
Low back pain with depression

Ayurvedic Understanding

Lumbaton Plus contains a proprietary Ayurvedic oil in which tila taila is processed with several vata shamaka dravyas, Eranda taila, and the herbal extracts of Guggulu, Shallaki. Other herbs like Devadaru, Amruta & Sahachara are also used in the making of Lumbaton Plus, which help treat both inflammation & degeneration

अन्तराकन्डरागुल्फ सिराबस्त्यग्नि कर्म च ।

Causes of low back pain & sciatica include Lumbar spondylosis which is a disorder characterised by degeneration in the structures associated with the Lumbar spine like - intervertebral discs, facet joints & ligaments as well as inflammation in the facet joints or sacro-iliac joints.

बाह्यभ्यन्तरतः स्नेहो अस्थिमज्जागतम् जयेत् ।

Bahya abhyantaratah sneho asthimajjagatam jayet.

The process of degeneration in Ayurveda is considered to be due to vata-prakopa. The classical text books of Ayurveda advocate snehana as the most important therapeutic intervention for the management of kevala vata prakopa.

Furthermore A.Hru also mentions that, vata prakopa in asthi & majjas, (which characterise the skeletal & neurological tissues) should be treated with bahya & abhyantara snehana.

Herbs with madhura, ushna and snigdha gunas are recommended for medicating the snehas.

Guggulu & Shallaki with it’s Ushna & Teekshna gunas and Katu rasa is an ideal drug which is commonly used as a rasayana in vatavyadhi.

Since inflammation also plays an important role in the manifestation of the low back pain, it is essential to address the same.

With these insights & AVN’s experience of treating low back pain for several decades, AVN has developed Lumbaton Plus, which is a combination of a yamaka sneha comprising of tila taila & eranda taila processed with herbs like Sahachara, Rasna, Dasamoola & aqueous extracts of Rasna, Sahachara, Devadaru, Guduchi, Punarnava & Guggulu. It has been formulated as a soft gelatin capsule for better patient convenience & compliance.

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