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Bonnibabe Syrup

Bonnibabe Syrup

Instilling healthy diet habits in children, naturally!

Children require the best nutrition in order to achieve healthy and speedy growth. A major roadblock to this can be a lack of appetite which leads to the child consuming fewer nutrients and becoming vulnerable to diseases.

AVN Ayurveds’s Bonninbabe is a safe & natural syrup to increase appetite in children and help them create an affinity for fuller and holistic meals. This in turn helps children to maintain a healthy weight and get the best of nourishment throughout their growth phase

Product Indications

    • An effective health tonic to improve the overall well-being of babies.
    • To relieve indigestion, colic, and gas in babies.
    • Help regularise bowel movements and prevent worm infestations that are common in young children.
    • Improves fat assimilation and metabolism in low-weight babies.
    • Increases appetite in children who have poor hunger or urge to eat.

Effective Dosage

Children up to 1 year of age – 5 ml twice daily before food

Children aged between 1 & 5 years – 10 ml twice a day before food

Children aged between 5 & 10 years – 15 ml twice a day before food

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Product Benefits And Features

    • Pippali, Musta & Ela in Bonnibabe helps improve appetite in children.
    • Bonnibabe has devadaru, Prsni parni & Salaparni which help improve the assimilation of digested food.
    • Bonnibabe helps stimulate appetite & improves digestion.
    • It ensures growth, regularizes bowel function & checks worm infestation.
    • It also helps improve resistance to infections.
Bonnibabe Syrup

Ingredients & Composition

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