Equipped to realize bold visions

Starting from manufacturing medicines at our house and clinic, AVN Ayurveda has come a long way in terms of manufacturing
capabilities. The first full-fledged plant was set up in 1980 where liquid formulations like Kashayams, traditional Gulikas,
Tailams, Lehyams were manufactured, mostly manually.

By the year 2000, as the demand for products at AVN increased, the manufacturing facility started its shift from completely
manual operations to semi-automatic operations. Moving ahead, we currently manufacture no less than 10 different dosage
forms and about 400 formulations.


Innovations in manufacturing helped AVN stand out from other Ayurveda manufacturers and marketing companies. 

  • We were the first to innovate and commercialise ‘Conversion of Kashayams to Kashayam tablets’
  • Conversion of Gulikas from hand-rolled pills to modern-day tablets
  • Introduction of “Double Strength” tablets
  • Conversion of Tailams for internal consumption to Soft-gelatin capsules
  • Conversion of Grithams to concentrated Grithams encapsulated for internal consumption


Check out all our certifications and licenses procured

Ministry of AYUSH

Goods Manufacturing Practice

Interested in being associated with AVN Ayurveda for our next innovation?

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